Wednesday 25 September 2019

Becoming Stronger

Becoming Stronger

Last weekend, I announced to the church that we were sending away our eldest daughter.  Before you jump to conclusions, we love our daughter very much.  She was and still is our pride and joy. 

Viv came out into full-time Christian service in July 2014 and grew the work in our S2 church.  Now 5 years later she is ready for the next challenge.  So is our church.  

I announced to our church that Viv will relocate to Kota Kinabalu, Sabah and grow the church there. 

As much as our family and church will miss her, we are encouraged that she will be growing spiritually in a greater way.  There will be challenges yes, even adversity and painfully, loneliness. But she will grow stronger.  I recall the words of a song she and the twins wrote and recorded some years ago, “what doesn’t kill you, make you stronger.”  

Somewhere in this situation, this verse is also relevant when we think about what the Lord went through as he lived the life of submission and went to the cross, “Son though he was, he learned obedience from what he suffered.” Hebrews 5:8 NIV

Viv knows this well, so I salute her facing the challenge to “suffer.”  She will be stronger.


He who wins souls is wise!

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