Sunday 12 January 2020

High Quality EE Training

High Quality EE Training

EE Training has been around since 1962.  Its success is due to its ability to meet the following goals consistently:

a.    Those trained become soulwinners and are able to share their faith.
b.  Those trained progress to become trainers of other soulwinners.  They reproduce themselves in the other believers, thus multiplying themselves.
c.   Those churches who implement EE correctly and consistently will grow and keep on growing.

Full Gospel Tabernacle Seremban, like many other such EE churches grew from 5 members 30 years ago and many of those who were saved and trained since have gone on to be pastors, church leaders and church planters.

At the heart of the EE training is the “On-The-Job Training” (OJT) or “Connect Activity” (CA).  In order to ensure the success of the training which should result in multiplication of the congregation, the OJTs or CAs must be of a very high quality.  This is especially true for OJTs conducted in relation to clinic training for pastors and church leaders since they will go back to their own local churches to implement the EE training after their certification.  The pastors and church leaders will reproduce what they have experienced from the OJTs at the clinic.

Quality tends to drop over time and if we do not start with the highest quality, the OJTs at the end of several generations of reproduction will be ineffective.  In order to have high quality EE training that would meet all its goals, we must have high quality OJTs.

Some guidelines for high quality OJTs are:
  1. An OJT team should comprise an experienced trainer with only 2 students.  Having more than 3 persons in a team will overwhelm the potential prospect. The team of 3 persons should preferably be of mixed gender so as to be involved in different topics of conversations.  By experienced trainer, we are referring to someone who has gone for at least 20 OJTs (2 local church semesters).  Trainers at clinics should have led teams at local church training for at least 2 semesters.
  2. Each team member should recruit 2 prayer partners who will pray for them in private daily and together in a group on a weekly basis.  The team member will advise his or her prayer partners of items for prayer.  
  3. Visitation guidelines for home visits and at other venues should be taught and adhered to.  Students should be taught how to make appointments with prospects.
  4. Report back sessions are important teaching occasions and should be held after each OJT.  Lessons from the OJT experience should be shared with the whole group for instruction, intercession and inspiration.
  5. Those who professed faith must be followed up quickly/diligently by the team or other believers who have been trained to do personal follow up and discipleship.
  6. Students should be taught to reach out to their friends, relatives, family members, associates including sharing with strangers.

When these guidelines are followed, the local church implementing EE would grow strong and experience multiplication.  This will encourage all those involved to continue implementing the next semester and experience even further multiplication and reproduction.

When churches multiply using EE, they become important partners to the national EE ministry, often providing teachers, staff and financial support.


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