Wednesday 1 April 2020

Innovative Ways of Sustaining Local Church EE Ministry

Innovative Ways of Sustaining Local Church EE Ministry.

EE Trainers must be the pastor's best friends. 

In most churches those who actively share their faith or bring friends must be in the minority.  Yet we often don't do enough to encourage them.  Here is a list of suggestions for you:

1. Train church members to be facilitators and have them conduct training outside the church i.e. at offices, schools, homes where they can reach a wider group of prospects.  They can also invite their colleagues, schoolmates, etc who are believers from other churches to be trained (when the training is within the office surroundings and the prospects are office colleagues, this should not pose difficulties with their church leaders).

2. Conduct the training during cell group times e.g. you can have an EE Training cell where folks are transferred from existing cell groups to these training cells for the duration of the EE training and they can be transferred back to their original cells after the training.  The advantage of this is that it will not take another slot in a busy church calendar.

3.  As in paragraph (2) above but start a class for EE during the Bible Study or Sunday School time slot.  On-the-Job Training and Connect Activities can follow the class sessions or they can be on another evening during the week.

4. Keep the EE trainers together as a group and don’t let them drift away. Organise dinners (perhaps quarterly) for them to hear testimonies and invite an EE pastor (perhaps from another EE church) to give motivational talks on evangelism.

5.  Allocate church budget/calendar slot for annual retreat for the EE trainers.  

6. Plan for missionary clinics with your church EE trainers.  Take a team to another part/region of your nation or continent.  That way, the EE trainers have an outlet and some motivation to keep going strong in their ministry.

7.  Plant new churches and send out your EE trainers to be part of the church planting team.

8.  At each semester graduation, honor those who have served faithfully for many semesters.  Give them some award in recognition for long service.

(If you can think of other ways, please be sure to share them with me.  YW –

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