Wednesday 4 March 2020

The Importance of Certifications

The Importance of Certifications



Dr Kennedy used to say, 'people do what is inspected, not what is expected'. It is therefore incumbent upon EE National Offices to review each completed semester and to ensure that all the requisite work has been completed and is of a high standard.  When this review is satisfactory, then EE certificates may be issued to the qualified participant.

National Offices should never give out blank certificates without first ensuring that this review process has been completed.  This will only cheapen their value. To further enhance the value of EE certificates, academic credits might be applied for those who have completed the EE training which would be evidenced by them receiving a properly signed and attested certificate issued by the National Office.

A proper certification process is important to the EE national ministry for the following reasons:

1.    Data Collection. 

Request For Certification Forms (sample attached) helps in the data collection.

Type of Data Collected:
-       Trainee’s Names and Contact Details
-       OJTs/CAs reports for Ministry Reports
-       Ministry Stats e.g. No. Trained and Professions, for Donor Giving
-       Teachers’ Records for promotion to future Clinic Teaching
-       Local Church Implementation

Information requested in Standard Format makes compilation of National Statistics easy.

Data collected can be compared with other churches as well as with past performances.

Makes submission of reports simple and standardised.

2.    Quality Control

Acknowledgement that the clinician/trainee has satisfactorily completed the required training and are qualified to lead the ministry in a local church.

Maintaining minimum standards of excellence.  E.g. number of OJTs/CAs, passing mark for oral and written check ups, quality of personal testimonies.

People do what is inspected, not what is expected.

Enabling the reproduction of quality from teacher to trainer to trainee, even years down the road.

Biblical precedent for quality control – Leviticus 22:17-25.  (Sacrificial offerings were to be flawless.)

Luke 10:1-17 – Jesus set forth specific guidelines for the 70 who he sent forth to witness.  Then, as they returned to report to Him, He evaluated carefully their effectiveness in completing these assignments. 

1 Thessalonians 1:6-8, Paul sent a written statement acknowledging that the believers there had followed his and Timothy’s example and had reproduced a quality ministry of evangelism throughout that part of the world.

3.    Advanced Levels Courses and Progression
Levels of Certifications – progression from trainees to trainers and teachers/facilitators.

When records are kept, qualifications of participants for advanced courses can be ascertained.  

Those qualified to attend abbreviated Crossover Trainings, eg XEE Crossover from Classic EE can also be ascertained.  This is to reduce learning time and make the course more attractive.

4.    Concluding the Local Church Semester Training

The certification process provides the means to conclude the semester training.  Usually the training activity trails towards the end when the balance of the OJTs/CAs need to be completed.  

Decisions will need to be made as to who can be certified and who cannot.  This is achieved via completing the Request For Certification Form.

5.    Graduation Ceremony – Recognition and Awards

To the good and faithful servant, Jesus says, “Well done! Enter into the joy of your Master.”  Conducting a Graduation Ceremony allows those who have gone through the equipping process to be recognised and rewarded.  

The graduation ceremony usually takes the form of a sermon on encouragement and motivation to witness, the presentation of the certificates and the opportunity to pray for the graduands. This is often followed by a celebratory meal. 

The graduation event allows us to celebrate the things that heaven celebrates i.e. the salvation of souls and the faithfulness of the believers to be equipped to witness.  Due to the often discouraging nature of this ministry, we need to devote more effort to celebration and motivation.

When the certificates are presented by the National Director or some other national leader, it becomes an opportunity to meet and encourage those who have completed their training.  He or she is often given the opportunity to share about EE’s vision and mission especially for their nation and this helps to develop ownership of the national vision.

We can further add value to the certifications by arranging for accreditation from the local seminaries for our EE training.  Then students with EE certification will enjoy exemptions for their course work.

6.    Contact Information: Trainers and Trainees can be approached to be donors to the national ministry.

The data collected for the certification process can be used in a variety of ways.  Foremost is that the contact information of all trainees and trainers form a valuable database to share the national vision and to solicit for financial support to accomplish that vision.

Other uses of the contact information database include sending motivational and encouraging emails on evangelism and discipleship, making strategic announcements on staff recruitment, national conventions and equipping clinics.

7.    Statistics for the Local Church as well as for the National Ministry.

When we have a certification culture and consequently a culture of data gathering, we will be able to see trends in our ministry over the years.  Some of the important trends might be:

·      The growth or decline of a certain type of EE.
·      The changes in profession rates over time.
·      The different profession rates between different language mediums for a similar type of EE.
·      Demographics of EE participants.

These statistics when analysed and presented in a helpful way will help our ministry to be more effective.  Many donors review statistics when making decisions on giving.

8.    Clinic certification is modelling for Local Church Semesters.

When certificates are presented at the conclusion of the training of pastors and church leaders there is great celebration and elation at their achivements.  This is good and should become a model for the local church semester training.  

We celebrate great events in our lives e.g. birthdays, weddings, graduations.  The Book of Revelation speak of the celebration at the Marriage Supper of the Lamb.  The world celebrates temporal events but we try to celebrate what heaven celebrates.  

In Jesus’ parable of the Lost Sheep, Lost Coin and Lost Son, there was a great celebration when what was lost was found.  We celebrate the salvation of souls as we conclude each local semester.

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